
Full-Stack Web Development

As a jack of all trades (and master of quite a few), a full-stack engineer can get a project done from start to finish. In this Career Path, you’ll begin with the front-end, move on to the back-end, then learn to connect the two. By the time you’re done, you’ll have the well-rounded skills needed to enter this in-demand job market.


Price : $300

Course Duration : 3 Month

Class start from : 01 November 2021

Women in digital

What to expect

Here is the module, you will learn those thing during the class.
- Introduction to HTML
- Browsers and HTML
- Editor’s Offline and Online
- Tags, Attribute and Elements
- Doctype Element
- Comments
- Headings, Paragraphs, and Formatting Text
- Lists and Links
- Images and Tables
- Introduction CSS
- Applying CSS to HTML
- Selectors, Properties and Values
- CSS Colors and Backgrounds
- CSS Box Model
- CSS Margins, Padding, and Borders
- CSS Text and Font Properties
- CSS General Topics
- Introduction to JavaScript
- Applying JavaScript (internal and external)
- Understanding JS Syntax
- Introduction to Document and Window Object
- Variables and Operators
- Data Types and Num Type Conversion
- Math and String Manipulation
- Objects and Arrays
- Date and Time
- Conditional Statements
- Switch Case 
- Looping in JS
- Functions

- Introduction

- Templating using JSX

- Components, State and Props

- Lifecycle of Components

- Rendering List and Portals

- Error Handling

- Routers

- Redux and Redux Saga

- Immutable.js

- Service Side Rendering

- Unit Testing

- Webpack

- Overview

- Basics and Setup

- Console

- Command Utilities

- Node js Modules

- Node js Concepts

- Node js Events

- Node js with Express js

- Node js Database Access

- Introduction to php and installation

- Project Setup & Coding style & operator & constant

- Branching and looping && Array and Function

- Object Oriented Programming in php

- Templating in Html && include and required keyword

- Form handling in php

- User Login concepts using form

- Session and cookies

- SQL (CRUD operation)

- Insert User in table using php form

- Select Operation and Login Live validation

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