
Basic Web Design and Development

This course is designed to start you on a path toward future studies in web development and design, no matter how little experience or technical knowledge you currently have. The web is a very big place, and if you are the typical internet user, you probably visit several websites every day, whether for business, entertainment or education. But have you ever wondered how these websites actually work? How are they built? How do browsers, computers, and mobile devices interact with the web? What skills are necessary to build a website? With almost 1 billion websites now on the internet, the answers to these questions could be your first step toward a better understanding of the internet and developing a new set of internet skills.

By the end of this course you’ll be able to describe the structure and functionality of the world wide web, create dynamic web pages using a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, apply essential programming language concepts when creating HTML forms, select an appropriate web hosting service, and publish your webpages for the world to see. Finally, you’ll be able to develop a working model for creating your own personal or business websites in the future and be fully prepared to take the next step in a more advanced web development or design course or specialization.


Price : $178

Course Duration :

Class start from : 03 October 2020

Women in digital

What to expect

Here is the module, you will learn those thing during the class.

Introduction to HTML page

Basic Structure of HTML

Head Section and Elements

External Link Tags

HTML Comment, DOCTYPE and Meta Tags

Paragraph & Text Formatting 

HTML Hyperlinks

HTML Attributes

 Add HTML Images in webpage

Heading Tags

 HTML Lists

Horizontal Ruling lines

HTML Color 

Background Color

Specifying Font Information

Marquee Tag

HTML Table creation

Table Data Alignment Options 

Table Cell Spacing & Padding

Merging Table cells

Changing Table Height & Width

HTML Form Creation

HTML Form Overview

HTML Form Elements

HTML frames 

HTML5 Basics 

HTML5 New Elements

HTML5 Form Elements 

HTML5 Form Attributes

HTML5 Media, Video, Audio

Concept of CSS 

CSS Syntax

External Style Sheet

Internal Style Sheet

Inline CSS Style

Type of Selector

Class Selector, ID Selector

Child Selector, Descendant Selector

Adjacent Sibling Selector

Attribute Selector

Other Selectors

CSS Properties

The letter-spacing Property

The word-spacing Property

Text Align Property

Line Height Property

CSS Box Model

Column Layout

CSS Border, Outline, Margin & Padding

CSS3 Backgrounds 

CSS3 Rounded Corners

CSS3 Font-face

CSS3 Transparency

CSS3 Box Shadow & Text Shadow

CSS3 Transitions, Transform & Gradient

CSS3 Opacity

CSS3 Animations with key-frames

Create Interactive Button

Border Image

Box Shadow

Introduction to Java Scripting

JavaScript into HTML pages

JavaScript Variable

JavaScript Operator

JavaScript Arithmetic

JavaScript Assignment

JavaScript Data Types

Basic Function

JavaScript Objects

JavaScript Scope

JavaScript Events.

JavaScript Strings

JavaScript Strings methods

JavaScript Number Methods and Properties

JavaScript Math Object

JavaScript Random

JavaScript Dates & Date Formats

JavaScript Array & Array Methods

JavaScript Booleans

JavaScript Comparisons

JS Condition

JS Switch

JS Loop For

JS Loop While

JS Break

JS Type Conversion

JS Bitwise

JS RegExp

JS Errors

JS Debugging

JS Hoisting

JS Strict Mode

JS Style Guide

JS Best Practices

JS Mistakes

JS Performance

JS Reserved Words

JS Versions


  • Introduction to JQuery

i. Downloading and Implementing jQuery 

ii. Enabling jQuery 

iii. Using Basic Features 

iv. Why jQuery? 

v.  jQuery Popularity and Alternatives 

vi. Cross-Browser Compatibility 

vii. jQuery UI and Plugins 


  • JQuery Basics

i. Selecting Elements 

ii. Working with Selections 

iii. CSS, Styling and Dimensions 

iv. Attributes 

v. Manipulating Elements 


  • JQuery Core 

i. Utility Methods 

ii. Checking Types 

iii. Date Methods 

iv. Detection

  •  JQuery Events 

i. Connecting Events to Elements 

ii. The Event Handling Function 

iii. Triggering Events 

iv. Event Delegation 

v. Event Helpers 


  • JQuery Effects

i. Effect Built-ins 

ii. Custom Effects 

iii. Animations 

iv. Easing 

v. Effect Management 


  • JQuery Ajax

i. Key AJAX Concepts

ii. AJAX Methods

iii. Using AJAX with Forms 

iv. JSONP 

v. JAX Events

  • JQuery Plugins

i. Plugins Explained

ii. Creating a Plugin 

iii. Using Existing Plugins 

iv. Writing a Plugin 


  • Further JQuery

i. jQuery Performance 

ii. Encapsulation 

iii. Managing Dependencies

Basics of Photoshop.

Photoshop Tools

Image cropping or Slicing on Photoshop.

Creating Web-Friendly Images

Other Photoshop tools for Web Design.

PSD to HTML conversion Project

Layout Planning.

Webpage creation from PSD homework.

Logo Design

Responsive Web Design Concept

CSS media query.

Responsive CSS frameworks.

What is Bootstrap?

Installation of Bootstrap.

File Structure of Bootstrap.

Global Settings.

Bootstrap Grid System.

Fluid grid system.


Bootstrap Dropdowns.

Bootstrap Button groups

Bootstrap Button dropdowns.

Bootstrap Input groups.

Bootstrap Navs and Navbar.

Bootstrap Breadcrumbs

Bootstrap Pagination

Bootstrap Labels.

Bootstrap Badges.

Bootstrap Jumbotron.

Bootstrap Page header.

Bootstrap Thumbnails.

Bootstrap Alerts.

Bootstrap Progress bars.

Bootstrap Media object.

Bootstrap List group.

Bootstrap Panels.

Bootstrap Responsive embed.

Bootstrap Wells.

Review the Bootstrap framework

Responsive web Design project using Bootstrap.

Xampp/Wamp Server Installation.

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