

Laravel is a most popular PHP framework. CDIP provides the best PHP framework training at Women In Digital. Enhancing skill development in Web/Software Development platform is the main goal of this course. Besides, introducing with industry-driven environment for ensuring the betterment of professional career. Nowadays most of the large-scale, robust web application are developed with Laravel, and its getting popularity in Bangladesh too. So why not your join us now.


Price : $237

Course Duration :

Class start from : 01 January 2020

Women in digital

What to expect

Here is the module, you will learn those thing during the class.

Introduction to Laravel Framework

Introduction to PHP

Q & A – Open discussion on outline



Request Lifecycle

Service Container

Service Providers

Folder Structure Overview

Introduction to Route and complete understand of it

Creating Controllers

Routing Controllers

Passing data

Resources and Controllers


Template Inheritance

Defining A Layout

Extending A Layout

Components & Slots

Displaying Data

Understand Laravel Models

Example Use of a Model

Environment configurations


Creating migration and dropping them

Adding columns to existing tables using migrations

One to One relationship

One to many relationship

Many to many relationship

Has_many through relationship

Polymorphic relationship

Polymorphic relation the inverse

Polymorphic relation many to many - retrieving

CRUD on single entity

Setting up Relations

Creating data

Updating Data

Reading and deleting data

Relationships and mass assignment

Inserting Data

Reading Data

Updating Data

Deleting Data

Relationships and mass assignment

Inserting Data

Reading Data

Updating Data

Deleting Data

Attaching, detaching and syncing

Relationships and mass assignment

Inserting Data

Reading and updating data

Deleting Data

Basic validation

Displaying Errors

Advance validation

Deleting Data

Creating the login system under 1 minute

Login creation overview

Retrieving authenticated user data

Deleting Data

Registering a new middleware and using it

A more practical way to use middlewares 1 - roles, migration and relations setup

A more practical way to use middlewares 2 - Custom method

Deleting Data

Sending email part 1 - route

Sending email part 2 - Finished

A more practical way to use middlewares 2 - Custom method

Deleting Data

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